Top talent executes growth
figures in the shadow
In Greek mythology, Medusa is generally described as a human female with living snakes in place of hair; her appearance so hideous that anyone who looked upon her was turned to stone. Medusa was beheaded by the Greek hero Perseus, who then used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone. Interpreted through a psychological lens, the myth could be viewed as a facing of horror, without being paralyzed. In other words, meeting with the unintegrated aspect of one’s own psyche.
In the 21st century, leadership has become harder as stakeholder expectations have increased, global execution has become more complex, digital transformation has become an imperative, and innovation is ever more critical to sustained success. The type of leadership the world needs today is a mixture of skills that spark innovation within an organization and across external organizations and ecosystems. And this leadership is characterized using the terms architect, bridger, and catalyst, or ABCs. As architects, leaders build the culture and capabilities for co-creation; as bridgers, they curate and enable networks of talent inside and outside the organizations to co-create; as catalysts, they lead beyond boundaries to energize and activate co-creation across entire ecosystems. Undergirding all three is a shift in source of leaders’ power - from top-down hierarchy to bottoms-up and sideways influence. Direct reports, especially the most talented, don’t follow orders. And although they may think that compliance is what they want, commitment is what they need. Commitment drives taking initiative or the risks required to execute or engage in innovation. Command-and-control — even as the big boss — doesn’t work. Transforming themselves and becoming comfortable with exercising influence well beyond formal authority, and collaborating, experimenting, and learning with unusual suspects inside and outside their organizations is central
One of the most valuable global brands in financial services, an American multinational, had embarked on a major transformation - streamlining the organization, reengineering key cross-business processes, and leveraging policy changes.
A group of 17 of their top talent in their India office, holding key roles across a wide variety of functions, needed to build greater self-awareness of their current mindset, values and behaviors and take steps to accelerate personal growth as they collaborated on giving shape to the new organization.